How many times a week do we find ourselves saying “I’m hungry”? How many times a day even? But here’s the thing, do we know what it’s really like to be hungry?
I’m almost certain I don’t. This particularly hit home today when I visited Cardiff food bank.

At Cardiff food bank (on my way to a work out, incidentally! Forgive the lycra…)
Early doors, I went wild in the aisles of Lidl on behalf of the lovely people at Cake. I’ve freelanced with this glorious team for the past 6 months.
In lieu of Christmas cards, super duper MD Sara Robinson decided to make a food bank donation instead. I stepped up to the plate to help with the shopping.
I’ve talked about clean eating on a budget before. But food bank budgeting is an entirely different kettle of (canned) fish, as the lovely Ian Purcell from Trussell Trust explained to me.
There may be no fresh fruits and vegetables on offer but ultimately the food bank is able provide something. Something that will last, something that can be prepared with relative ease, something that will nourish, something that will most importantly fill a hole in times of difficulty.
The Cardiff food bank provides their shopping list for donations here.
I stuck to it as closely as possible, whilst trying to opt for some economical, yet healthy choices. The Cake contribution was made up of as much of a protein punch as we could pack:

Food bank contributions care of Lidl’s excellent offers
o Tuna
o Chopped tomatoes
o Chickpeas
o Butterbeans
o Red lentils
o Mixed nuts
o Red kidney beans
o Dark chocolate
Food banks, food poverty and jeering politicians are constantly hitting the headlines at the moment. But for me, it’s about taking a step back from all that. It’s about being grateful for something as wonderfully simple as the home cooked meal my husband and I sit down to every evening. It’s about continuing to be content with our little (rather substantial?) lot. It’s definitely about being less greedy.
Don’t for one minute think I’ll begrudge you your turkey next week. I absolutely plan to enjoy mine. But take a moment to appreciate it and all you have. If you’re reaching for the Gaviscon, consider that karma’s way of telling you to cool it on the second helpings…
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