I love a meme. I love when someone gives me a little incentive to get back into my blogging groove and share a post. For this one we have Lindy to thank. I did another you might like not too long ago.

Currently I am….
Reading: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. It’s all a bit ‘glutton for punishment’ of me so it’s taking a while. But a short burst of a chapter here and there is proving therapeutic.
Listening to: the birds outside. And thankfully not the screeching seagulls that woke me up around 5.20am. I should pop Radio 4 on and get a handle on what’s going on out there mind you.
Laughing at: myself, my life. Its many contradictions, painful ironies but quite simply I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Swooning over: blog designs. I’m desperate for a refresh, to embark on a bit of a summer holiday makeover. It’s definitely not my domain though so may need to call in some web monkeys to help.
Planning: all the fun I intend to have once my last exam for the year is over (next Weds).
Eating lots of: carbs, annoyingly. Not necessarily bad ones but deep bowls of porridge, buttery baked sweet potatoes and breads made with love. I don’t mind from a nutritional point of view but it’s my not so lean middle that takes the hit. A week of brain-boosting fish and lots of veggies is on the horizon.
Feeling: a little bit sentimental. One of my friends sent through the gorgeous picture (above) this morning, taken a few weeks back. Distance, of varying length, now separates me and the majority of my closest, oldest friends. Notably there are so many missing from this pic too. These friends are getting married, having babies and I want to be more of a part of that. It’s never a problem until we get together. Then there’s the painful reminder of how it used to be. Good byes are brutal and take me so long to recover from.
Discovering: beautiful corners of South Wales on foot. Whether it be mountain climbs or more urban rambles the gorgeous weather has meant more exploring of parts of the area I didn’t necessarily get to during the 18+ years I lived here, growing up.
Looking at: my near empty coffee mug. The signal I really must get out of bed, attack the books and stop the procrastinating!
Wearing: A CrossFit Cayman t-shirt and Cath Kidston winter-themed penguin pj bottoms. I told you I was a living, breathing irony! That and the t-shirt is as close as I get to summer nightwear. I’ve worn Cath’s finest fleece in the Caribbean before now!
Cooking: nothing. I’m off the hook for a couple of days. Hoorah! Last night I did some serious food prep to allow me to really get my head down on the revision front. Lots of salads and veggie combos that protein can be added to: green beans & peas with lemon zest, garlic, shallots & mint; broccoli & sugar snaps pan fried with coconut oil, ginger, onion, chilli & soy sauce topped with sesame seeds; mixed peppers & red onions roasted with olive oil & pine nuts. Leftover baked sweet potato that’ll serve as mash or deliciously cold, straight from its fibre-rich skin.
Wondering: the amount of wondering, pondering, day dreaming and imaging that goes on in my head even within a five minute window would fill pages. It’s a constant combination of the mundane (which load of washing should I put on first?) to the aspirational (what will the patients at my nutritional therapy practice be like in several years time?)
Trying out: mindfulness. They’ll be lots more to come on that.
I’m tagging two of my favourite new bloggers on the block:
All the discussion