Don’t sweat the small stuff, ok?


Limes sliced

Regular readers of this blog may have noticed there was no weekly round up on Friday.

My Friday instead went like this:

Woke up. Had petty arguments with Dad and Husband.

Got dressed for a day at a client (and undressed) seven times – having pulled a selection of clean clothes from the wardrobe to find it was only outfit number eight that didn’t have a massive crease down the middle.

Next up, discovered that I’d lost the house key just as I needed to leave the house – the second key I’d lost that week. The first was on an expensive key ring my little sister got me for my 21st

Rushed to a doctor’s appointment that then ran 25 minutes late, leaving me to rush further to make it to a client on time.

Home time. Sat in horrendous rush hour traffic in a desperate attempt to make it to a work out for the first time since Monday.

Made the work out. All hail Celtic CrossFit. Felt a thousand, million, squillion times better. Phew!

Arrived back home.

Opened post. Just the one letter. A parking fine… That’s on top of this note that was left on my windscreen earlier in the week:

Driver note


Tossed the letter to one side to get ready to go out for dinner.

Put in contact lenses – forgetting that I’d sliced and squeezed a lime just moments earlier. FFS!

I was at breaking point.

But I was most angry that I’d let all these silly little things get the better of me.

Usually I try so, so hard not to let these things grind me down. You see, life truly is too short. Cruelly short for some.

Stress is evil. And so bad for us. So take a step back next time you’re getting in a pickle, have a re-read of this post, safe in the knowledge that Fridays don’t get much more annoying than this!

But you know what, I went on to have the most fab evening out with my husband. A glorious dinner that was probably appreciated a thousand times more being able to stick two fingers up to the day that was.

A time to reflect – make up from the petty arguing, not worry about a superficial key ring, stop tearing around like a maniac, a brain wave about how to contest the parking fine, a big laugh at contact lense-gate.

There’s always a way to turn that frown upside down. And only worry about the things worthy of worrying.

How do you turn particularly shocking days into better days?