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What does a career change look like?

from 27th September 2013 by .

Lovely friends, fans and followers of Let Her Eat Clean. Forgive me for I have sinned… Where has the time gone? It’s been a wee while since I’ve checked in and it’s definitely been the result of a lot going on. So, what better way to make amends than to tell you all about it? […]

Don’t work out when you’re sick

from 17th September 2013 by .

It really is that simple. There is nothing complicated or scientific about this. You feel unwell? Exercise definitely isn’t going to make you any better. It’s actually taken me years to realise this. Years. And years. And years. I understand how hard it can often be to rest up. Exercise is addictive. Exercise makes you […]

This week I…(cured the common cold)

from 15th September 2013 by .

Quite often it all turns out alright in the end, doesn’t it? This was the week that started with the cat being put down; the killer common cold setting in; a dark, dreary day spent under the duvet and then ended with a pre-booked belated 30th birthday celebration with one of those friends that can […]

Comfort Food

from 11th September 2013 by .

This post isn’t about the sinister (and far more serious) topic of emotional eating. But it is about the right kind of comfort that food can so often provide us with. I’ve had better weeks than this one (and it’s only Wednesday) if I’m honest. We had to have the cat put down, I’ve been […]

This week I (survived a mini meltdown)

from 6th September 2013 by .

Some things are sent to try us, aren’t they? Along with moving house and getting married I hereby declare an aged cat that’s suffering from unexplained fits one of my top three meltdown inducing moments.   Have you ever seen a fitting cat? It’s pretty grim.

The 80-20 rule

from 4th September 2013 by .

I’ve offered up what clean eating means to me here but perhaps the one thing I’ve not talked about enough is I’m no purist. I live and die by the 80-20 rule. That is, 80% of the time I eat awesome, whole unadulterated foods. 20% of the time there may be something rather more rebellious that makes […]

This week: cheap eats

from 30th August 2013 by .

This week I… Read… This excellent piece from Jamie Oliver. Now, there’s a fair bit of it I disagree with and your chances of getting a load of cheap mussels in some of Britain’s poorest areas are slim, but ultimately I agree with so much of the sentiment. Convenience meals not only come at a […]

You eat carbs, do you?

from 27th August 2013 by .

The C-word. No, not that one. The OTHER one… Carbohydrates are funny old things. Since the dawn of Atkins’ time they’ve been synonymous with evil. They’ve also, in my opinion, become one of the most misunderstood macronutrients.

Don’t sweat the small stuff, ok?

from 25th August 2013 by .

  Regular readers of this blog may have noticed there was no weekly round up on Friday. My Friday instead went like this: Woke up. Had petty arguments with Dad and Husband. Got dressed for a day at a client (and undressed) seven times – having pulled a selection of clean clothes from the wardrobe […]

The best breakfast options

from 20th August 2013 by .

I’ve blogged before about how much I love breakfast. I go out of my way to start each day with protein and I can genuinely hold my hand up to say I’ve eaten just one bowl of cereal this year (it followed some eggs and was a low sugar, seed rich granola type thing – […]