This week I…
This excellent piece from Jamie Oliver. Now, there’s a fair bit of it I disagree with and your chances of getting a load of cheap mussels in some of Britain’s poorest areas are slim, but ultimately I agree with so much of the sentiment. Convenience meals not only come at a hideous cost but they’re also disgustingly bad for you.
As a self proclaimed nutrition nerd and full on foodie, Glen Matten wrote this great article on ‘Healthy foods on the cheap‘. Well worth making some, if not all, of them staples in your regular shop.
Also, for those more interested in the research that backs the dreadfulness of processed foods, check out this game changing read flagged to me by Modern Medicine Man, Aidan Goggins.
A most fantastic risotto – which is very much in keeping with the ‘cheap eats’ theme of today’s post. I used this BBC Good Food recipe and it made insane amounts. I think I counted up eight portions we had out of it all in all. It cost around £6 to make and packed one seriously nutritional punch given the omega 3 injection form the mackerel and all manner of phytonutrient awesomeness from the spinach.
It was equally a perfect reminder of why we shouldn’t give carbs such a bad rap.

A complex carb champion – smoked mackarel & spinach risotto
The cheapest of eats are the free ones, right? So, not one to turn down a good voucher-related freebie, a friend and I enjoyed an afternoon tea treat at one of my ‘locals’, The Celtic Manor Resort. I felt I should probably earn my scone and clotted cream so set off on a series of fasted hill sprints that morning. I’d digested the indulgence in good time to also make it to the evening CrossFit work out.
And it wasn’t so much I learned, but rather was reminded, that sometimes the ‘constantly varied functional movement’ of CrossFit ie the ‘surprise’ that appears on the whiteboard each day can really get the better of you…
Needless to say there’s a fair bit of hobbling around going on this morning! More fool me and those over enthusiastic hill sprints.
May your weekend be a spritely one folks. Think you’re up to making that risotto?
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